Collection: Mantrailing Introduction Courses

Mantrailing is a sport teaching dogs to find a hidden person by following their unique scent trail. All dog's have a natural ability to hunt and therefore Mantrailing provides them with an outlet to do this in a safe, controlled and constructive way.

During the introduction to Mantrailing Course both you and your dog will learn what it takes to work together to find a specific hidden person. 

As the handler you will learn Line Handling Skills, Scent Targeting, how to read your dogs body language, how to start your dog on the trail, how to trail safely and how the weather affects the scent trail.

We will also prepare you for what lies ahead in your mantrailing journey, the different starts, different types of trail and distractions on the trail. 

Your dog already knows exactly what to do, we just need to find out what motivates them and how to reward them for their great work.

You will also get to meet like minded people and expand your social circle while talking all things Dog and Mantrailing between your trails and trail laying.